Member-only story
Captain’s log, stardate 100689.81
Good morning, first Friday in the month of February. February, the month in which we celebrate black history in America.
What’s taken place since last week? I started a part-time job, there was a shipping mix-up with the consignment’s that I’d mailed off, several other things which have made me stressed… one of which is the ongoing issue with the guy in apartment 387. Relocating is key… but that’s not something I’m looking to go into here but I briefly mentioned last week.
Wrapping up consignments for two more museums, need to finish the necklace for Dunedin still… that’s kind of funny, except that it’s not. Yasamin at Amon Carter Museum placed her order for an event that start March 12. As mentioned, the goal is to consign to 50 art museums throughout the US in 2023.
I’d love it if you’d shop with me, where you’ll receive free shipping on all US orders over $100. Yesterday I shared a video of the Big & Delicious earrings (blue) from the Walk Like an Egyptian pieces to Instagram, for anyone interested in seeing their scale.
Should know about CFA scholarships by March 31. Then, I’m looking forward to signing up and studying to take level 1, 2 and 3 and passing.
I took some time to work on eBrand Me, what I’m working to grow into my digital marketing agency offering marketing &…