Emeline Michel Talks Of Her Music, Inspirations & Food
Originally published on November 18, 2016.
Born in Gonaives, Haiti, Emeline Michel is renowned by any and all Haitian people with a pulse — and even those without. Her presence isn’t limited to the island, though; her work has spread across the globe, particularly French speaking countries. She’s a singer, songwriter, performer, and apparently loves food and cooking! In anticipation of her scheduled performance at the Kravis Center in downtown West Palm Beach this Friday, December 4th at 7PM, I reached out to see if she’d answer a few questions about her music, inspiration, and passion for food. She cites Aretha Franklin, Sarah Vaughan, Martha Jean-Claude as women who’ve inspired her… I would’ve guessed a little Grace Jones too, based mostly on the song “Flanm“. Get to know a little bit about the artist and watch her perform LIVE this Friday night. You’ll be blown away.
I read that you first began singing in church, who inspired you then? Who inspires you now?
Music has remained for me over time the best instrument to elevate, encourage inspire, Not much has changed as far as the spirituality component. I would say this is where all started, the frame of every work is spiritual — whether I write about love, joy, compassion for my country. As far as who’s inspired me, I am a big fan of the timeless vocalist of Aretha Franklin, Sarah Vaughan, Martha Jean-Claude… the ladies who dare….
What do you hope people take away from your music?
All my songs are about emotions… they are storytelling. They are about someone’s journey or mine. I tend to always invite the audience in, on stage or together we are a circle… I believe by being present and invested we create a moment together. While I give, I received a lot as well.
Do you have a favorite Haitian dish? If so, what is it?
I am a real foodie. I love du riz Djon djon with lambi aux noix …lol. Mais moulu ak hareng saur…. well done of course. You got me started… I might not stop…LOL
Pran Men m’ (Take My hand)
Even though I am over the hill / My heart, my body will never forget / I am a volcano about to explode / When your wings finally reach my sky
You know how to take and you love to give / We are perfect for each other / Twenty five cents and a quarter / No change to give back
Open the door to let love in / Come talk to me about your dreams / Don’t get hung up on what happened to you in the past / We are beginning a new chapter
[Chorus] Take my hands / I am going to love you / Take your chances, bet on me / You are my project you are my plan / I’m in no hurry I will take my time / Darling come take my hand / Come closer don’t be afraid / Take your chances bet on me / Don’t stop, let’s move forward
For you I will be many women / A femme fatale / A together woman / I will repeat all of your classes / I will go with you till the end
You can lay yourself in my hands / With your scars and your history / Don’t hide nothing …do not disguise / Come as you are / If you only know how ready I am / To explore with you / All the paths that love leads us to / I’m in no hurry / I’ll take my time / Come closer / I am going to love you